University of Tsukuba - Summer Research Program 2017 (Jul. 18 - Aug. 1) - Call for Application

10:58, 24/04/2017

University of Tsukuba - Summer Research Program 2017 (Jul. 18 - Aug. 1) - Call for Application

The annual Summer Research Program from July 18 to August 1, 2017. They are planning to invite students from Brazil, France, Indonesia, Taiwan, USA, UK, Vietnam and other countries.

  Selected students will be assigned to a laboratory within the campus of the Faculty of Medicine or Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences. The students take part in research, attend lectures, and present their research results. During the 2 weeks’ period, both international and our students are expected to have an opportunity for cultural exchange and communication.
•       Undergraduate (3rd, 4th or 5th year) or Graduate (1st and 2nd year) students
•       Grade Point Average (GPA) of above 3.0 (on a 4.0 scale) or 75% (out of 100)
•       Passport (valid till end of Jan 2018)
•       The list of participating laboratories is attached.
•       Online application is now opened.
•       The link for more detailed information and application is provided at:
•       Application deadline: May 12, 2017.
•       Limited number of travel scholarships are available to qualified candidates.
Tentative Schedule
•       July 17 or 18: Arrival on campus
•       July 18: Orientation
•       July 18 to 31: Research activities in selected laboratory
•       July 22 and 23: Special lecture and excursion
•       July 31: Presentation session
•       August 1: Depart Tsukuba
In particular, they are interested having undergraduate and graduate students who are considering to attend graduate school or obtaining doctoral degree in biomedical or life science.

Letter of Announcement


List of Laboratories
University of Tsukuba