Campus 1: 227 Nguyen Van Cu Street, Ward 4, District 5, Ho Chi Minh City

Campus 2: Linh Trung, Thu Duc District, Ho Chi Minh City

Invitation for summer school in immunology and microbial pathogenesis

09:11, 18/07/2017
Invitation for summer school in immunology and microbial pathogenesis

Invitation for summer school in immunology and microbial pathogenesis

School of Life Sciences and Technology-Institut Teknologi Bandung would like to invite students to participate in their summer school program “Immunology and Microbial Pathogenesis:From Basic to Translational Research”, which will be held in School of Life Sciences and Technology, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia, from 21st August – 1 September 2017. In this summer school, the participants will study immunology and microbial pathogenesis from many Indonesian and International experts. Besides the summer school, students will also attend the one-day seminar (which could also be joined by lecturers and researchers) in the middle of the summer school program. After the summer school, students will have the opportunity to see many beautiful places and cultural sites around Bandung.

This program is supported by our university, therefore they will provide students with local accommodation during this program. With our recommendation, students could get a reduction of the registration fee, so that studens just need to pay the registration fee 100 USD for the whole program for two weeks, including lunch, local accommodation and also for the excursion.

For further information, please visit our website and join our program. Students can also contact their by email: Hereby I also attach our poster and leaflet.
Các bạn sinh viên, học viên cao học, nghiên cứu sinh muốn tham gia chương trình này, gửi email về cho cô Sa: trước ngày 21/07/2017





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