Campus 1: 227 Nguyen Van Cu Street, Ward 4, District 5, Ho Chi Minh City

Campus 2: Linh Trung, Thu Duc District, Ho Chi Minh City

List of Exhibits

21:19, 10/10/2017
List of Exhibits

List of Exhibits

Exh.1.01          The mission and vision of the Faculty of Biology & Biotechnology

Exh.1.02          The mission and vision of VNU-HCM University of Science

Exh.1.03          The program ELOs survey results

Exh.1.04          The plans and results of the meetings between faculty and employers; and between faculty and student alumni

Exh.1.05          Job profile analysis

Exh.2.01          The Biology program book

Exh.2.02          Program outcomes assessment and update plan

Exh.2.03          The course specification template before 2015

Exh.2.04          The admission counselor workshops

Exh.2.05          Articles about the Biology program on the Facebook page and the website of the university and the faculty

Exh.2.06          University student handbook

Exh.2.07          Faculty student handbook

Exh.2.08          The annual meeting between faculty board and students

Exh.2.09          The Biology major orientation

Exh.2.10          The announcement of the laboratory selection for sophomores

Exh.2.11          Department and faculty meetings

Exh.2.12          The meeting between the faculty and the employers and student alumni

Exh.2.13          Subject introduction slide

Exh.3.01          The Biology program curriculum

Exh.3.02          Benchmarking study

Exh.3.03          The Biology program book

Exh.3.04          The course correlation and prerequisite course sample

Exh.4.01          Regulation and guideline to implement the undergraduate program from MoET and HCMUS

Exh.4.02          Syllabi showing the matrix of courses’ goals and program outcome

Exh.4.03          Faculty and University student handbook

Exh.4.04          Announcements, photos related to the New School Year's activities for freshmen

Exh.4.05          Announcements, photos, and presentations of the activities related to specialized career orientation and laboratory selection for sophomores and juniors.

Exh.4.06          The proportion of theory among practical courses (Biology program)

Exh.4.07          Thesis, internship regulation

Exh.4.08          The list of optional courses

Exh.4.09          Scheme for development and implementation of the Bachelor's Degree Program in Biology and Biotechnology under the CDIO model

Exh.4.10          The course syllabus

Exh.4.11          Recruiters survey documents including survey announcement, implementation plan and results. The goal of this survey is to assess the expectation of recruiters on graduates’ professional knowledge, skills and work attitude.

Exh.4.12          Examples of seminar presentation, small projects,  practice reports.

Exh.4.13          Examples of the midterm/final exam questions which demontrates different type of question: self-tests, tests, fill-in-the-blank questions

Exh.4.14          Annoucement and result of student scientific research

Exh.4.15          Information and photos related to some science award ceremonies from the Academy of Science, Eureka, VNU ...

Exh.4.16          The list of students participating in the field trip and their group photo on that trip

Exh.4.17          Some examples of teaching activities to encourage life-long learning

Exh.4.18          A guide to university learning, presentation slides for freshman

Exh.5.01          University admission rules and regulations from MoET

Exh.5.02          University admission rules and regulations from VNU-HCMUS

Exh.5.03          Statistics on the university entrance examinations (score points, floor scores)

Exh.5.04          The minimum qualifying marks for university admission

Exh.5.05          Documents related to the faculty’s recruitment of outstanding graduates.

Exh.5.06          Documents related to the university orientation week including anouncement,  detailed plan and program.

Exh.5.07          Results of the university orientation activities.

Exh.5.08          Guidelines, annoucement, and final examination of civic activity for freshman

Exh.5.09          The rubrics of some courses

Exh.5.10          Exam grading scales of some courses

Exh.5.11          Some examples of course assesment method (quiz, midterms, seminars, field reports)

Exh.5.12          The announcement of qualifying conditions for graduation examination and the requirements for graduation.

Exh.5.13          Lists of students who chose to graduate by performing either bachelor’s thesis or internship

Exh.5.14          Documents related to thesis and intership assesment including assesment forms and grading scales.

Exh.5.15          Decision on the establishment of Scientific committee (for thesis and internship assessment)

Exh.5.16          Announcement about the qualifying conditions for students to perform bachelor’s thesis or internship at the final stage of their study.

Exh.5.17          Co-curricular results (điểm rèn luyện)

Exh.5.18          Survey/evaluation forms on courses and the biology bachelor’s program

Exh.5.19          Decision to establish Faculty Scientific Committee

Exh.5.20          Guidelines and procedures for opening a new course

Exh.5.21          Documents related to the staff training activies such as training on active teaching and other teaching skills

Exh.5.22          Guidelines for teaching assistant request

Exh.5.23          Guidelines for using student portal

Exh.5.24          Documents related to student academic appeal including appeal policy and procedure, and some results of these activities. 

Exh.5.25          Student appeal procedure to academic results

Exh.5.26          Student assessment proccess

Exh.5.27          Formative and summative assessment sample

Exh.6.01          University recruitment standards for each employee rank (such as principal lecturer, lecturer, teaching assistant, staff)

Exh.6.02          Proposal of Departments to send Faculty Dean and Personnel & Administrative affairs on the demand for additional personnel on teaching activity

Exh.6.03          Proposal of Faculty's Board of Management to send Personnel & Administrative affairs for recruitment

Exh.6.04          The information of FBB's staff including FBB staff list and staffs CV

Exh.6.05          The Minutes of a meeting to suggest cadres (replacing retired cadres)

Exh.6.06          Announcement of the Biosafety training program

Exh.6.07          Announcement of the active teaching methodology taught by the CEE Center

Exh.6.08          Examples of Certificate of active teaching in credit based system obtained by FBB staffs

Exh.6.09          Examples of Certificates of participation in the biosafety training obtained by FBB staffs

Exh.6.10          Some training courses organized based on FBB staffs’ demands

Exh.6.11          The decision on sending staffs to pursuing Master, PhD degree abroad

Exh.6.12          The decision to receive and arrange work for the returning staffs after completing the Ph.D., MSc abroad

Exh.6.13          Summary table of job placement schemes of each unit

Exh.6.14          Decision 925 QD-NHQG-TCCB dated 12102006 of VNU-HCM on the approval of the Regulation on organization and operation of-HCMUS

Exh.6.15          Decision No. 444 QD-KHTN-TCHC regulates the working regime for lecturers of the University of Science, VNU HCMC

Exh.6.16          Regulations on Functions and Duties of Faculty Leaders, Faculty Scientific Councils, Heads of Subjects under the Faculty

Exh.6.17          Decision No. 642008

Exh.6.18          Decree 462010 ND-CP by the Government on the implementation of retirement and retirement procedures for civil servants

Exh.6.19          Decision on appointing leaders of the unit by term

Exh.6.20          Higher Education Law, No. 082012 QH13 dated 18 June 2012

Exh.6.21          Decision No. 582010 QD-TTg dated 22 September 2010 of the Prime Minister on University Regulations

Exh.6.22          Program evaluation by student

Exh.6.23          Summary of individual self-assessment reports (according to faculty, department) to periodically evaluate the CB-VC's staff development and training plan

Exh.6.24          Decision on job promotion for FBB lecturers and staffs

Exh.6.25          Lecturer recruitment announcement fro the Department of Microbiology

Exh.6.26          Plan to organize the staff's meeting

Exh.6.27          The promotion guidelines for Ass.Prof and Prof. issued by National Accreditation Board

Exh.6.28          Minutes of the meeting of FBB and University to propose Professor., Associate professor

Exh.6.29          Regulations on the salary increase for officials and lecturers

Exh.6.30          Lecturer/Staff Self - Assessment Reports

Exh.6.31          Minutes of the department’s year-end meeting

Exh.6.32          University guidelines on the declaration of standards, emulation titles and selection criteria, implementation plan of commendation and reward for each academic year

Exh.6.33          Labor Contract and Contract Annex

Exh.6.34          FBB duty assignment in general and for a specific academic year (2017)

Exh.6.35          Teaching Assistant Registration Form and announcement

Exh.6.36          Regulation on the maximum number of student thesis a staff allowed to guide according to his academic degree and title

Exh.6.37          Documents related to inquiries, tutor support, and academic counseling for FBB students

Exh.6.38          Participant certificates, awards obtained by the FBB staffs at national and international conferences

Exh.6.39          Lists of research projects conducted by faculty members since 2010

Exh.6.40          The list of national and international articles published by faculty members

Exh.6.41          Report on the five-year training and retraining of staffs for the period 2011-2015 and elaboration of the plan for resettlement for the peri

Exh.6.42          Report on the effectiveness of training plans, development of lecturers, support staffs

Exh.6.43          FBB suggested the professional working skills to train for staffs

Exh.6.44          List of teachers participating in the teaching methodology and professional working skills training

Exh.6.45          Seminar models, small projects, electronic lectures, practice reports, thesis methods

Exh.6.46          List of workshops, conferences, seminars

Exh.6.47          The university award policy

Exh.6.48          List of staffs having received the award from University of Science

Exh.6.49          List of staffs nominated to receive the award from VNU

Exh.6.50          List of staffs and departments having received the VNU awards

Exh.6.51          Decree No. 272015 ND-CP of the Government about Award Regulations for the certificate of Teacher of the People, Teacher of Excellence

Exh.6.52          List of outstanding cadres having received the scientific research award

Exh.6.53          Certificates of merit, certificates of awards, five years outstanding staffs festival, and lecturers guide students win scientific research

Exh.6.54          Annual activity reports of the FFB in each academic year

Exh.6.55          Minutes of department meeting

Exh.7.01          Functions and duties of the VNU University of Science offices such as Office of Personnel Administration, Academic Affairs, etc.

Exh.7.02          Functions and organization structure of the departments belonged to FBB

Exh.7.03          Qualifications and professional certificates of staffs working in the university libraries and other university offices

Exh.7.04          The list of FBB's staffs

Exh.7.05          Some decisions on sending staffs to study abroad

Exh.7.06          Student support activities from the laboratory and the departments belonged to FBB

Exh.7.07          Function and duty description of the FBB Secretary and administrator

Exh.7.08          Student support activities from the FBB office

Exh.7.09          Function and duty description of the FBB Advisor group

Exh.7.10          Student Support Activities of the FBB Advisor group

Exh.7.11          Function and duty description of the university library

Exh.7.12          Student support activities from the university library

Exh.7.13          Function and duty description of the university student affair

Exh.7.14          Examples of student support activities from the university student affairs

Exh.7.15          Report decision support staff strategy and recruitment plan

Exh.7.16          Criteria for the recruitment of librarians, faculties of computer science, computer lab, student office, student support center, faculty office, training department, consultancy group, IT staffs

Exh.7.17          The announcement of decision on rank promotion, rank, seniority, social insurance

Exh.7.18          Some examples of staff evaluation activities at the end of each academic year

Exh.7.19          Report on Student Satisfaction Survey with the quality of service provided by libraries, faculties, computer labs, student offices, student support centers, Training, Advisory Group

Exh.7.20          Student Satisfaction Survey Form on service quality of Library, Faculty of Science, Computer, Student Work, Student Support, Faculty Office, Advisory Group

Exh.7.21          “White” labour contract (independent recruitment from department or lab)

Exh.7.22          Announcement on the training to improve Management Capacity

Exh.7.23          Schedule of training course for support group

Exh.7.24          Award and competition for support group

Exh.7.25          Certificate of merit, corporate collective reward

Exh.7.26          University promotion policy for staffs

Exh.7.27          Decision on appointing FBB management board

Exh.7.28          The announcement of the Executive Committee of the Labour Union on activities reflecting the interest of the FBB faculty members

Exh.7.29          University decision and announcement on the seniority allowance issue

Exh.08.01        Enrollment Regulations of MoET Applied to Universities and Colleges

Exh.08.02        List of number of admission and the minimum qualifying marks for university admission from 2012 to 2015.

Exh.08.03        University admission rules and regulations

Exh.08.04        Announcement of university admission from HCMUS

Exh.08.05        The minimum qualifying marks for university admission (2016)

Exh.08.06        Decision to establish the university admission committee (2016)

Exh.08.07        University Student Handbook

Exh.08.08        Documents related to the university orientation for freshmen including anouncements, detailed program and photos

Exh.08.09        Decision No. 432007 QD-BGDDT dated 1582007 on academic regulations for university and college applied the credit-based system

Exh.08.10        Detailed guidelines of the credit-based system applied to university and college

Exh.08.11        Academic schedule from 2011 to 2016

Exh.08.12        FBB’s Biology Curriculum

Exh.08.13        Documents related to student specialized area selection including regulations and list of students enrolled in specialized stage

Exh.08.14        Course registration and regulation

Exh.08.15        The result of co-curricula activities

Exh.08.16        Analysis of student achievement result during 4 academic year of bachelor program

Exh.08.17        List of students having received scholarships

Exh.08.18        Student Support Activities of the FBB Advisory Group

Exh.08.19        Student achievement result analysis and Documents related to the meetings between the FBB management board and students (including photos, schedule, etc.)

Exh.08.20        Student Support Activities of the FBB office

Exh.08.21        Student Support Activities of Laboratories

Exh.08.22        Outreach activities of the youth union including the achievements of American culture, sports, academic clubs, English clubs, volunteer organizations, Green summer campaign, etc.

Exh.08.23        List of students participating in scientific research activity

Exh.08.24        Soft skills training activity

Exh.08.25        Feedback/ survey forms and results of some activities that support students

Exh.08.26        Documents related to career orientation activities (announcement, detailed program, reports, ect.)

Exh.08.27        Documents related to the meetings with FBB and Alumni and Employers

Exh.08.28        Financial support announcement

Exh.08.29        Medical insurance announcement

Exh.08.30        List of university and faculty facilities

Exh.08.31        Documents related to student support activities of the library

Exh.08.32        Documents related to the Life management and self-awareness program (program annoucement, list of participants, etc.)

Exh.08.33        FBB student hand book

Exh.9.01          Facilities inventory documents

Exh.9.02          The list of teaching equipment (such as projectors, sound systems, boards, etc.)

Exh.9.03          The result of student satisfaction survey on teaching - learning equipments

Exh.9.04          Facilities of the library

Exh.9.05          List of library books related to bio-biotechnology field

Exh.9.06          The library schedule

Exh.9.07          The list of open sources in the library

Exh.9.08          Biology student’s self-study time at the library

Exh.9.09          Information on the funding for the university library

Exh.9.10          Regulations on library network in VNU system

Exh.9.11          List of equipment and machine in laboratories (schools and self-equipped units)

Exh.9.12          Lab regulations

Exh.9.12          Facilities statistics

Exh.9.13          Documents related to equipment safety, fire safety guidelines, and lab safety guidelines

Exh.9.14          Examples of lab notebook, equipment manual, and research diary

Exh.9.15          FBB website

Exh.9.16          Student portal

Exh.9.17          List of students and staffs having health insurance

Exh.9.18          List of available medical equipments, instruments, and medicine at the University Clinic

Exh.10.01        Report of the meeting between University's management board and students (2015 and 2017)

Exh.10.02        Stakeholder satisfaction survey, SOP (standard operating procedure) & form (FBB’s Biology program)

Exh.10.03        Course statisfaction from student

Exh.10.04        Program statisfaction from Bachelor

Exh.10.05        Documents related to student alumni survey on FBB’s Biology program including survey form and results

Exh. 10.06       Lecturers survey (FBB’s Biology program)

Exh.10.07        Recruiters survey form (FBB’s Biology program)

Exh.10.08        Documents related to the CDIO-based program implementation progress

Exh.10.09        Job profile analysis of biology graduates

Exh.10.10        The result of the biology student survey on FBB’s biology program curriculum and ELOs

Exh.10.11        Biology students survey form on FBB’s biology program curriculum and ELOs

Exh.10.12        Some documents on the FBB’s scientific council meeting minute.

Exh.10.13        Guidelines for AUN-QA assesment process

Exh.10.14        Result course statisfaction from student

Exh.10.15        Some results of course feedback survey

Exh.10.16        University academic regulations (quy chế học vụ), Credit-Based program regulation

Exh.10.17        Decision to Establish the FBB Advisory Group

Exh.10.18        Regulations on the activity of the FBB advisory group

Exh.10.19        The list of scientific publications of FBB from 2011 to 2017

Exh.10.20        Proceeding of the tenth university scientific conference

Exh.10.21        Some examples of scientific conference/seminar/symposium announcement to students

Exh.10.22        List of students attend workshops, seminars

Exh.10.23        The National Education framework, VNU-HCMUS policies (Thông tư 7/2015)

Exh.11.01        The result of biology alumni survey on employability

Exh.11.02        Documents related to thesis and intership such as thesis/internship regulation, thesis template and guidelines, sample of thesis, etc.

Exh.11.03        List of students participating in science research activities

Exh.11.04        The report of student in science research program.

Exh.11.05        List of biology alumni’s scholarship fund.

Exh.11.06        Certificate of merit for research achievement

Exh.11.07        Alumni survey
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