Nhằm giới thiệu chương trình học bổng toàn phần MEXT 2022 cho chương trình Thạc sĩ và Tiến sĩ ngành Medical Science và Public Health, trường Đại học Tsukuba tổ chức buổi chia sẻ trực tuyến:
Thời gian: 12:30 (giờ Việt Nam) ngày 17.12. 2021
Thông tin chi tiết và đăng ký tại: www.tsukubamed.org/mext2022
Master's and Doctoral Progam in Medical Sciences - MEXT SCHOLARSHIP (University Recommendation) for Fall 2022.
We are pleased to inform you that The University of Tsukuba and the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) have teamed up to offer an exciting chance to study for a Master’s or doctoral degree in medical science on a full scholarship with a monthly stipend towards living expenses. We are seeking applicants who are highly motivated, talented, and ambitious international students who want to contribute to the field of medical science research.
An online information session will be held on December 17, 2021 to introduce the Medical Science Programs, admission and scholarship requirements. Those who wish to apply for Fall, 2022 admission are welcomed to attend.